Hello there folks, as you may have noticed my site and social media profile only contains pictures of my silhouette (and it is my genuine silhouette). From what I have seen, this is unusual for an author’s website. I appreciate that being real and authentic is an important aspect of connecting with people. In terms of being authentic, I’m not particularly comfortable in front of a camera (which isn’t ideal for Instagram culture :-). However, turning this into a positive, without the pressure and inevitable awkwardness I’d feel in front of a camera, I can be more honest and authentic in the content I upload. Primarily I want the focus of my website and professional social media pages to be on my written work and create separation from my personal life. That being said, I still want to connect with people on an intellectual, psychological and emotional level. In terms of who I am, in summary, I’m a man child who drinks too many fizzy drinks, consumes entirely too much sugar and enjoys making puns. Outside of writing (and design etc.) I am juggling careers in both care work and psychotherapy.
Next time I’ll tell you what my game is…