Personal Information
Name: Michael Stanley
Gender: Male
Height: 5 foot 4 (4 foot in his chair)
Weight: 10 stone
Age: 25
Hair Colour: Mousy brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Body Type: Average
Distinctive Traits: Very sociable, Passionate about wrestling, Creative and enterprising mind
Occupation: Aspiring Entrepreneur
Main Story Appearance: Untold Legend

What does this picture represent: The logo for "Live. Action. Wrestling" - Michael is a huge fan.
Quick Bio:
“Hello there friend, welcome to my page! My name is Michael, I’m a BIG time wrestling fan.
I love all forms of pro wrestling from Live Action Wrestling (L.A.W.) to local independent promotions like Unlimited Pro Wrestling (UP Wrestling) here in my home town of Rockshore, England.
I’m 25 and I’m in a wheelchair, but that doesn’t define me!
I’ve got lots of ambitions and projects on the go, like my Fan Cam highlight reel, featuring local talents; Boudica, Dave Hex, Ian Stallion, Den the UP Wrestling promoter and I’ve even got footage of Great British Grappling legend Big Ben.”
Here's my Fan Cam Vids:
(All the named wrestlers and arenas featured in these videos are available to download on WWE 2K19 & WWE 2K20 for PS4)